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A Word from the
Master of The Lodge
Maricopa Lodge #1 of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona Jurisdiction is an organization built on brotherhood, service, and leadership principles. Our members come from all walks of life but share a common desire to make the world a better place.
As Worshipful Master, I have worked with some of the most inspiring and dedicated individuals I have ever met. We collaborate on a range of community service projects and strive to develop the leadership skills of our members. Our fraternity is a home for men who share a deep commitment to each other and the community.
Past Master Anthony Gathers 32
Worshipful Master

Get in Touch
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
c/o Maricopa Lodge #1
6035 S 24th St,
Phoenix, AZ 85042
(602) 268-8511
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